Buffalo Chic wings
Friday, January 23, 2009
Biasa nih, janjian posting bareng Yu Lidi. Gara-gara saya ngiler dengan ceritanya dia yang hari itu lagi masak Buffalo Chic wings. trus... Yu Lidi nantangin, gimana kalau posting bareng?!
Waduh... berarti saya harus masak tuh ayam donk...
Padahal saya ga punya stok bahan-bahannya. Yo wes, akhirnya setelah nunggu 2 hari baru deh saya masak. (hari pertama saya ketinggalan tukang sayur... hahaha).
Resepnya sih biasaaa.... nyontek Yu Lidi donk... :D :D :p
Sebenernya sih saya ga tau pasti bentuk masakan ini aslinya seperti apa. Jadi saya masak hanya berdasar petunjuk bu jendral* aja (*baca: Yu Lidi). Kalo ternyata penampakannya lain, yaaa... harap maklum deh... hihihi
Biasa nih, janjian posting bareng Yu Lidi. Gara-gara saya ngiler dengan ceritanya dia yang hari itu lagi masak Buffalo Chic wings. trus... Yu Lidi nantangin, gimana kalau posting bareng?!
Waduh... berarti saya harus masak tuh ayam donk...
Padahal saya ga punya stok bahan-bahannya. Yo wes, akhirnya setelah nunggu 2 hari baru deh saya masak. (hari pertama saya ketinggalan tukang sayur... hahaha).
Resepnya sih biasaaa.... nyontek Yu Lidi donk... :D :D :p
Sebenernya sih saya ga tau pasti bentuk masakan ini aslinya seperti apa. Jadi saya masak hanya berdasar petunjuk bu jendral* aja (*baca: Yu Lidi). Kalo ternyata penampakannya lain, yaaa... harap maklum deh... hihihi
15 chicken wings, cut into 2
3 cloves of garlic, crush until smooth
1 package ofkobe seasoning flour
3 Tbsp of rice flour
1Tbsp of ground coriander
1Tbsp of ground black pepper
1tsp of salt
30ml of water
oil for frying
Red hot chicken wings sauce (saya pakai saus sambal biasa + jeruk nipis)
15 chicken wings, cut into 2
3 cloves of garlic, crush until smooth
1 package of
3 Tbsp of rice flour
1Tbsp of ground coriander
1Tbsp of ground black pepper
1tsp of salt
30ml of water
oil for frying
Red hot chicken wings sauce (saya pakai saus sambal biasa + jeruk nipis)
Mix well all of the ingredients except oil, hot sauce and the wings. Then batter the wings in it for at least 10minutes. Deep fry it using hot oil under medium high heat until golden brown and crispy. Drain off the excesses oil using paper towel. In a saucepan, heat the hot sauce for 2minutes and then transfer the fried chicken wings in it. Continue to heat it up and flip over once in a while. Serve it warm with mayo or ketchup and fresh salad.
Mix well all of the ingredients except oil, hot sauce and the wings. Then batter the wings in it for at least 10minutes. Deep fry it using hot oil under medium high heat until golden brown and crispy. Drain off the excesses oil using paper towel. In a saucepan, heat the hot sauce for 2minutes and then transfer the fried chicken wings in it. Continue to heat it up and flip over once in a while. Serve it warm with mayo or ketchup and fresh salad.
Source: Yu Lidi
2 komentar
sudah mirip kok!
ReplyDeletebtw aku dhewe lek tuku buffalo chicken wings di sini kurang suka krn apa? krn asam vinegarnya tajam Aku mending dikasih asam sunti, asam kandi, asam gelugur, asam jawa, jeruk nipis, jeruk kesturi (calamansi), atau jeruk limo atau jeruk purut dwehh drpda kena asmenya vinegar.
bener Pep..aku yo merasa aneh..tp bojoku seneng piye meneh?
ReplyDeletetp saus yg frank's ini sih mayan ga gitu tajem...
pitikmu blepote akeh men...aku ra pati blepot je...
terima kasih sudah memberikan komentar tanpa SPAM & tanpa SARA :)